Hearing Dogs for Deaf People NZ
Making a Connection
Hearing Dogs NZ
Hearing Dogs National Charity exists to enhance the independence and wellbeing of deaf and hard of hearing New Zealanders through the provision of specially-trained Hearing Dogs, to internationally recognised standards.
What is a Hearing Dog?
Hearing Dogs are specially trained to alert their recipient to everyday sounds such as the doorbell, text messages, baby monitor, timer or smoke alarm.
Find out what it means to have a Hearing Dog
Read some of our recipient stories and see for yourself the difference these dogs can make.
Hearing Dogs 150th Partnership
Kylie is pictured here with her new Hearing Dog Brie. Kylie and Brie are a special partnership being our 150th match. Kylie lives alone with the help of her hearing dog, being profoundly deaf Kylie relies on the help of her Hearing Dog to feel secure in her home.
Vanessa and Rogan Josh
When Vanessa puts in her hearing aids, the chances are the first thing she notices is the soft snoring of her spaniel, Rogan Josh. The gentle cinnamon and white Cavalier King Charles Spaniel has been her constant companion since he was employed as her hearing dog eight years ago . . .
“Mitzi is my best friend”
A pair of little white ears is Margaret Armstrong’s portal to her now silent world. Mitzi, a diminutive Bichon Frise, not only alerts her mistress to important sounds she cannot hear, but has made it possible for Margaret to keep working.
How do we train a Hearing Dog?
We make training fun for our dogs by using reward based training. This means we base our training around games, treats and fuss. A Hearing Dog puppy sees their training as a fun and exciting activity, rather than a chore. Click below to find out more about the National Training Centre for Hearing Dogs.
Who can have a Hearing Dog?
Hearing Dog recipients need to have at least a 65% decibel hearing loss (unaided) in one or both ears. Recipients need to be physically able to look after a Hearing Dog and continue the training.
Make a donation
Hearing Dogs NZ is an independent charitable trust that assesses, selects, trains and places Hearing Dogs with deaf and hard of hearing New Zealanders. Hearing Dog’s are placed at no charge to the deaf person receiving the dog. Hearing Dogs NZ rely on support from individuals, groups and organisations to help train and place these wonderful, portable ‘hearing aids’!
You can help make a difference and support our work by making a donation or sponsoring a puppy.